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Leah "Sex In His Office"

4K 09:08 40 Photos26th Oct 2016

SEX IN HIS OFFICE by LEAH I watched him get ready for work on that cold winter morning. As he gave me a kiss, I thought about how I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands in appropriate places when I visited him for lunch that day. He just looked so delicious in a suit. Delicious in the sense that I desired to slowly strip the suit off and do dirty things to him. Maybe, just maybe... I woke up a little later that morning. I made my coffee, got clothed and made up nicely. I wore a kneelength leather skirt with buttons all the way down, a white blouse that left the perfect amount of my ivory chest showing, a sleek black cardigan and combat boots. Classy, yet somewhat “edgy” is how most of my friends described that outfit. I did all of my errands. Dropping off my resume everywhere I could, getting a quick brunch and picking up some hot coffee for my lover. It was about his break time, so I began heading over to his office. I took the elevator to his floor, cautiously avoiding spilling his coffee as it jolted to a stop. I stepped out. His co-workers gave me their routine glares. I’d have given them the finger if I didn’t care about visiting my honey so much. The good thing about my lover’s office is that it’s not a cubicle. It’s a nicely sized room with doors that can lock. There’s certainly advantages to being higher up in the work chain. I knocked on the door with my free hand. I heard footsteps nearing the door on the other side, before I heard a click and saw it open. My darling’s face, handsome as ever appeared. I smiled, gave him a kiss and walked in. The door clicked closed behind me, locking. “How is your day, sweetheart?” I asked. “Nothing unusual. Just have to go to a meeting after break.” He said monotonously, slumping into his large office chair. He did not seem excited. I handed him the warm cup of coffee. He took a hefty gulp before setting it down on his desk. “You know, I was thinking I could help make your workday more eventful today.” I said, rather suggestively. He raised one eyebrow slightly as a faint smirk came to his mouth. He caught my drift. “Oh really? I’d most certainly appreciate that.” Wasting no time, I kicked off my shoes and straddled his lap. I rubbed my hands all over his chest, shoulders, and neck. I kissed him hard on the mouth, now gently tugging at his necktie. I loosened it, slowly pulling it off and dropping it to the floor. I unbuttoned his blazer. He grasped my hips, pressing his hardness onto me. I let out a faint gasp. It certainly got him more riled up. I slid his blazer off of his shoulders and arms, pulling the rest of it out from behind his back, I allowed that to also fall to the carpeted floors below. I unbuttoned the first three or so buttons of his shirt before I let him have some fun unwrapping me. He unbuttoned my cardigan and slid it off of me. Same for the blouse. Then, he began unbuttoning my skirt. Every single button, all the way down. As it opened up, revealing my thighs and hips, he realized I wasn’t wearing tights, or panties. “Damn, I bet you enjoyed the breeze outside!” He laughed. “Well, you seem to be enjoying this.” I giggled. He slid his hand up my thigh, caressing the soft, milkywhite but slightly-freckled skin. He toyed with my landing strip for a few moments before running a finger along my slippery slit. I bit my lower lip. Gosh, what a tease he was. He continued rubbing around my opening, making sure the lubrication was well-distributed. He softly pinched my clitoris between his thumb and index finger, moving them in slow rotations. I kissed him again, sucking on his tongue and working on his shirt with my hands. I felt the shirt fall entirely open as I undid the last small button. I began feeling him up, my hands traveling from his lower stomach to his shoulders, and back down again to unbutton his suit pants. He slid two fingers inside me. I let out a moan of pleasure and scratched down his stomach. I pulled his hard dick out of his pants. I gently stroked, all the way from base to tip. He pushed in another finger, going deeper to make sure I was ready for a good, hard pounding. He lifted me up and got out of the chair. “What position do you have in mind?” I inquired. “Sit on my desk.” He demanded. I moved his coffee to a safer place on the desk. I lifted myself up, and sat on it. “Okay, now lay down.” I obeyed him. I laid on the desk, propping myself halfway up with my elbow, my legs dangling off the edge closest to him. I spread my legs a little as an invitation. He grabbed my knees softly, moving my legs farther apart. He stood closer to my opening. He guided his copius length into me, going slow. pushing as deep as he could, intently watching my face. For signs of pain, perhaps. I grasped his arms, making a quiet moan. He slowly pulled back, partially out, then pushed back in. “How does that feel?” He asked, making sure I wasn’t in pain. “It feels amazing, honey. More, please!” I said with a sigh. He began going faster, harder, more carefree. He reached down to play with my clit, making sure he was stimulating all of my sensitive areas. He leaned down, tonguing one of my silky, pale nipples. I dug my nails into his back, and wrapped my legs around me, tilting my pelvis, furthermore increasing my own pleasure. “Oh yes baby! Harder!” I screamed. He responded by slamming his cock into me, annihilating my pussy. My breathing became heavy, and by body began heating up. I scratched, hard, all the way from his shoulders to his lower back. My moaning became louder, more involuntary as the ecstasy built up. He was breathing heavily and moaning too. He gripped my hips tightly. He was nearing his climax. “Mmmm, Logan!” I screamed. I moved my hips in perfect rhythm with his. I could feel my body starting to quiver. “Ohhhh baby, I’m cumming!” He pounded into me, faster, harder, with more varied angles and motions. It set my climax into motion. My pussy began rapidly pulsing around his cock, contracting and relaxing. I dug my nails into his back, and tightened my legs around his waist. The pleasure absolutely took over my body. His mouth was hard on mine, his hands gripping my waist, and his cock now slightly pulsating. His body gave out on me, and he rested his body on mine. As our intense orgasms subsided, we kissed, feeling each other’s bodies. He stood up, carefully pulling out with the help of a tissue in order to keep the carpet free of stains. He discarded it in the trash can, looking up at the clock. “Damn, my meeting is in two minutes!” He pulled on his shirt, hastily buttoning it. I put his blazer on him, and he put on his tie loosely. He was about to run out the door. I looked down. “Wait a moment.” I said, eyeing his undone pants. I pulled him close, giving him a wet, hot kiss as I buttoned and zipped his pants. “Thank you, baby.” He smiled, heading out the door and down the hall with red lipstick all over his neck and cheeks, with disheveled hair and clothing. I smiled, feeling very accomplished. I walked out the door, slipping out of the building unseen. I went home, knowing I’d made his day THE END!


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